Monday, November 25, 2013

Thoughts Regarding Sexual Orientation/Gay Marriage

A prevalent topic in our culture today, I legitimately cannot believe that it has taken this long for homosexual, bisexual, and transgender to start getting the basic human rights they absolutely deserve.  In a country where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are literally written into one of our founding doctrines, we have a pretty bad track record at making sure our citizens achieve that pursuit of happiness.  I am from the Midwest which I guess still has a fairly significant population that believes that LGBT people affect their regular way of life, but I can’t wait for Ohio, the state I grew up and live in, to join the curve and provide a more social equality for all.

As I've noted before, I am straight and am looking forward to having an amazing family one day akin to the one I grew up with.  I don't think I know enough about the world/science yet to know whether or not a person can be born gay and then become straight, or vice versa, but I’m sure science will answer me soon enough.  I say this, in part because of an interview I read with the Hunger Games actor, Josh Hutcherson, who is also a spokesman for a movement called, “Straight But Not Narrow.”  He said a quote along the lines of “I would probably list myself as mostly straight.  Maybe I could say right now I’m 100 percent straight, but who knows? In a f--king year, I could meet a guy and be like, Whoa, I’m attracted to this person.”  I completely understand that sentiment.  Love, or attraction, isn’t set in stone and 3.5 billion people on this planet are the opposite gender of what you think you prefer.  Don’t be narrow-minded in telling yourself who you could or couldn’t love, and especially don’t be narrow-minded enough to tell someone else who they should or shouldn’t love.  

The marriage part of this whole thing is what makes me the most irritated.  Let me see if I can write this out clearly.  Fact:  Marriage is a word.  Webster defines it as “the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.” Okay, great, so in accordance with that definition and how this simple word takes its place in religion, LGBT people should not follow this particular way in achieving their goal of living a normal, happy life like the rest of us.  They should choose a new word, like “union” or “convergence” or make up a word like “quallaruma” and define it as “the formal union of a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, or whoever you love with whoever you love, typically recognized by law, by which they became a loving entity.”  If the concept of marriage is what is going to put people in arms about these basic rights, then let’s just make sure something like a civil union is actually in equal standing with marriage.  These people are people who deserve the same rights and benefits as married couples and the religious aspects surrounding the word marriage should not be the factor that determines a human being’s personal happiness.

There are two common arguments against gay marriage that I would also like to address real quick.  People tend to argue that allowing same-sex marriages to happen would weaken the sanctity of marriage.  This is coming from a country that literally spends hours upon hours watching trash like “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” where it is not uncommon for a Kardashian sister to end a marriage within 72 days.  We also tend to get caught up in TV dramas/real life dramas with our friends where cheating, fights, lies, and betrayals make for some good conversation with our coworkers or friends.  This kind of fits in with the other common argument against gay marriage where allowing same-sex marriages could give in to a slippery slope which will transform our society into one that partakes in polygamy, bestiality, incest, and the like.  I really hate hearing someone compare a love between two humans to a “love” between a human and an animal, but that’s just me.

One other argument I've heard is how gay marriage isn't in the Bible and therefore shouldn't be allowed in any church.  Well that's fine, because I would love to keep stoning women if they look at me wrong or killing my neighbors over our shared crops (For the record:  I don't want to stone women or kill my neighbors).  The Bible doesn't mention gay marriage because it reflected the culture of the time.  We are in the culture of the 21st century and I really don't think there's a God that says people can't love who they want and be happy.  Also for the record, religion is a weird subject with me for reasons I need to come to grips with on my own so I'm not pretending at all to be an expert on all this, but I'm pretty sure the basic theme of religion is that God loves all his children and doesn't choose favorites (as in heterosexuals). 

I really like my generation for typically being pretty chill about all of these huge social revolutions that really are not that big of a deal.  In very broad strokes, the following are examples of conversations I’ve witnessed between fellow human beings.
You’re a woman who wants to be intimate with another woman?  Cool, glad to hear things are going great for you! 
You want to adopt kids with your partner so you can lovingly raise them as well or better than you yourself were? Awesome, where are you thinking of adopting from? 
Someone gave you crap for being who you are?  They are an idiot because you are one of the best people I know.  

Hearing people have this mindset about such a simple, yet complex, topic in our society gives me hope for the future.  I personally cannot wait to see what the next few decades usher in once my generation and I are in positions of power to make change.  But in the meantime, we can wait happily as long as we are being decent people to our fellow human beings.  In conclusion, putting yourself into someone else’s shoes is really the real solution to overcoming any kind of discrimination.  People love who they love and it really is not up to you to tell them otherwise.  Try your best to be a little more considerate of those who aren’t being fully accepted into society, and soon enough society will catch up with ya! 

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